UKCEH integrates UK-wide observation systems and curiosity driven research, from the smallest scale of genetic diversity to large-scale, whole-Earth systems. We work across disciplines and facilitate academic, public, private and voluntary sector partnerships. UKCEH’s extensive, long-term monitoring, analysis and modelling deliver UK and global environmental data, providing early warnings of change and management solutions for our land and freshwaters.
The Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland (BSBI) is the leading society promoting the study, understanding and enjoyment of wild plants in Britain and Ireland. Founded in 1836, we are now one of the world's largest contributors of biological records, many collected by our volunteer members, both amateur and professional botanists, who benefit from our research, training and outreach programmes.

Wild flowers, plants and fungi are the life support for all our wildlife and their colour and character light up our landscapes. But without our help, this priceless natural heritage is in danger of being lost.
From the open spaces of our nature reserves to the corridors of government, we work nationally and internationally to raise their profile, celebrate their beauty, and to protect their future.
The JNCC is the statutory adviser to UK government and devolved administrations on UK and international nature conservation. Its work contributes to maintaining and enriching biological diversity, conserving geological features and sustaining natural systems.
The Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), within the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) supports the delivery of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme in Northern Ireland. NIEA Officers work in partnership with the Centre for Environmental Data and Recording (CEDaR) to provide volunteers with the guidance and training they need to get started in the scheme. The data collected by NPMS volunteers offers an important insight in to the health of our habitats and species in the wider countryside.