Only through continued monitoring at the national scale will we be able to meet the multiple challenges our habitats face head on.
The National Plant Monitoring Scheme continues to collect vital information about the condition of habitats across the UK, with the incredible support of hundreds of dedicated citizen scientists conducting botanical surveys within their allocated 1km squares. This dataset has been growing for nearly 10 years, enabling us to study the abundance and diversity of plants through time, across 30 different semi-natural habitats.

This spring, the NPMS partnership has released the third in its series of NPMS Annual Reports, which includes highlights in numbers, details of accessible volunteering, data and research, volunteer engagement and training, as well as other news.
In particular this year, the NPMS team are very happy to announce the launch of a new interactive page on the website ( uk/trends) showcasing the current trends from your data. Making the fruits of your efforts more visible is something that we have been working on for some time, and we hope that this is just the first step in bringing more interactivity to the NPMS website.