NPMS volunteer coordinator in Northern Ireland: Emma Mulholland

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 At the start of Autumn 2023, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) appointed a new Scientific Officer who will oversee the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS) in Northern Ireland; Emma Mulholland.  Read our conversation and welcome Emma to the scheme!


Emma out in the wilderness, plant hunting. Photo credit: Clare McKinney

The NPMS 7 Years on - By volunteer Anne Griffiths

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I have been recording with the NPMS since it started in 2015. I had very little botanical knowledge then as I was still working as a GP. This is my first plot at Longtown in Herefordshire overlooking the Black Mountains. I was lucky enough to have a wildflower meadow in my patch, fortunately unchanged in the quality of the plants in 7 years.


Anne Griffiths Survey plot

Introducing our new Ecological Modeller, Oli Wilson

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Oli Wilson is our new ecological modeller here at the NPMS. This exiting new role for the scheme will involve analysing the huge amount of data that is collected by our fantastically dedicated volunteers. Oli has great plans for exploring what the data can tell us. Read below to find out more about him and what he will be bringing to the scheme!

Oli Wilson

Can you tell us about yourself – what were you doing before you came to the NPMS?

Wildflower Spotting and the NPMS

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Check out this wonderfully written blog post from one of our fantastic NPMS volunteers. Michelle has been part of the scheme since even before it's official launch, having volunteered on Plantlife surveys prior to this.
